відкриті уроки

Тема: «В магазині. На базарі.»
     Начальна: поглибити знання учнів з теми та поповнити їх словниковий запас, активізувати в мовленні учнів нові ЛО з теми; сприяти формуванню навичок читання;
      Розвиваюча: розвивати уміння висловлювати думки, швидкість мовленнєвої реакції;
      Виховна: виховувати дбайливе ставлення до товарів, привчити дотримуватися правил поведінки в супермаркетах та на базарі, повагу до продавців та покупців, уміння уважно їх слухати.
      Тип уроку: комбінований.
      Методи та прийоми: тестові завдання, дидактична вправа «знайти відповідність», словниковий диктант, складання діалогу.
       Обладнання та матеріали: Worksheets, презентація PowerPoint, аудіозаписи.
                                                    Хід уроку
1.    Організаційний момент уроку (1хв)
2.    Перевірка домашнього завдання (4хв)
3.    Введення в іншомовну атмосферу (5хв)
4.    Виклад нового матеріалу (20хв)
-         Аудіювання (5хв)
-         Говоріння (5хв)
5.    Підведення підсумків уроку та оцінювання знань (4хв)
6.    Домашнє завдання (1хв)

                                      Хід уроку
1.     Організаційний момент уроку
        T: Good morning, children? Are you fine today? I’m glad to see you. Before we begin our lesson, I would like check your homework and say about what we will speak today?
2.     Перевірка домашнього завдання.
Check your Homework. Your home task was to learn by heart to the theme “Post office”. Translate the words into English
3.     Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.
T.: I would like you remember from previous years the words and word combinations, which we have learned before. And say which theme will be spoken today.
 Task 1. You are shown the cards. Look carefully at the cards and guess what type of shop is this


Answers: This is a …
                  I can see …
Teacher Yes, you are right. The topic of our today’s lesson  is “In the Shop. In the market”. We are going to speak  about different kinds of shops and what we can buy   there. We’ll do some interesting task, so by the end of the lesson you should be able to talk about shopping, to talk with shop-assistant. To your surprise you’ll receive money for your activity knowledge. Then, you’ll practice to buy.  Are you ready? Do you like to go shopping?

T.:  And now I’ll present you new words, which you will use in your task

To fit –бути впору, годиться
To suitпідходити, йти (мова йдеться про одяг), бути до лиця
To match - підходити до пари, соответствовать
To purchaseкупувати
To buy out  купувати( виносити з магазину)
T: you know that English has one word, but a lot of meaning. For example, пасувати, підходити – fit, match and suit
Fit – is used when things fit in size.
These shoes are too tough, they don’t fit me.
Suit –when fit in style or color.
You bought a magical green blouse that suits you.
Match – (synonym of combine) is a match between two things.
The  green blouse does not match the red skirt.

T: Say, please. What kinds of shops do you know? (the baker’s, the butcher’s, the grocer’s….)
 Робота в групах.
 I have a very long shopping list. Where can I buy it all? And there is one product I can’t buy at the grocer’s, at the greengrocer’s, at the butcher’s or at the dairy.
 Find it!
Гра;  учні об’єднуються в 2 команди, обирається капітан,  вчитель називає магазин, капітани називають, що можна придбати в магазині, всі інші члени команди стають в лінію і передають один одному візок ( додаток № 5 )
Виграла та команда, яка більше назвала слів ( отримує гроші)
a) balls, sneakers, chess, bikes, skates, skis
b) sheets, blankets, pillows, towels
c) face powders, lipstick, shampoos, eye pencils
d) ties, shirts, trousers, jackets
Women’s clothing department
e) paper, pens, pencils, rubbers
Men’s clothing department
f) sandals, shoes, boots, high-boots, slippers
Sport goods
g) pullovers, sweaters, mittens, caps
The white sale
h) dresses, skirts, blouses

Учні діляться на 3 групи розподіляють продукти та називають їх  ( учням дають розрізані картки)
T.: I’ll give the patients’ rights, you should know and use them in your life.
The customer’s Rights
1. A consumer has the right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and price of goods or services.
2. Every consumer has the right to be heard and to be assured that his/her interest will receive due consideration at appropriate forums.
3.It is a consumer’s right to be assured to have access to a variety of goods and services at competitive prices.
4. consumers have the right to be protected against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous to life and property.
5. Right to safety.
6. Right to choose.
7. Right to seek Redresaal.
8. Right to Consumer Education.
9. Consumers have the right to seek redresaal against unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation.

Аудіювання діалогу
T: Before you will listen the dialogues, write down new words
Pre – watching activity
the fitting roomроздягальна
to fit – приміряти
as well – також
size розмір
US - Сполучені Штати
Medium – розмір М, (середній)
-         How can I help you?
-         I need to buy clothes for a business meeting. What do you suggest?
-         I suggest a nice skirt and a blouse.
-         OK. I like the grey skirt and the pink blouse. I also need some tights.
-         Okay, I will get them for you. What’s your size?
-         I am not sure here, but in the US I am a size 4
-         Oh, I think here you would be a medium. I will give you a size 38.
-         Can you also give me a bigger size?
-         Sure, I will give you a 40 as well.
-         Where is the fitting room?
-         It is at the back of the store on your left.
-         How do they fit?
-         Oh, the 38 is too small, but the 40 fits nicely, thank you.
Task on listening
-         How can I help you?

-         Can you also give me a bigger size?

-         I suggest a nice skirt and a blouse.
-         I am not sure here, but in the US I am a size 4

-         Okay, I will get them for you. What’s your size?

-         Where is the fitting room?

-         Oh, I think here you would be a medium. I will give you a size 38.

-         OK. I like the grey skirt and the pink blouse. I also need some tights.

-         Sure, I will give you a 40 as well.

-         I need to buy clothes for a business meeting. What do you suggest?

-         It is at the back of the store on your left.

-         How do they fit?

-         Oh, the 38 is too small, but the 40 fits nicely, thank you.

T: Let’s speak about “Advantage and disadvantage of in the shop and market.”
T: Revise your grammar
Will or going to
We use will for
1.     Predictions, especially after I (don’t) think….
I think she’ll pass all her exams.
2.     Offers and promises
I’ll lend you my umbrella.
I won’t come home late.
3.     Decisions that you make while you are speaking
She isn’t answering her mobile. I’ll text her.
We use going to for
4.     Predictions, especially when they‘re based on what we can see.
We look at that black cloud. It’d going to rain.
5.     Intentions.
I’m going to work hard next term.
1.    Choose will or going to
1.     James is standing on the side of the pool. He will/is going to jump in.
2.     Look at those dark clouds. It will/is going to snow.
3.     I think Barcelona will/are going to win the Champions League this year.
4.     I’m sure Jane will/is going to like the present you’ve bought for her.
5.     This time next year we will/are going to be in France.
6.     Why are you turning on the radio/ ‘I will/ am going to listen to the news’.
7.     ‘What are you doing later?’ I will /am going to play basketball.’

2 Complete the conversations. Use will or going to and the verbs in the box.
 Be          buy             lend             spend               turn on        turn up
                          1.   a l’ve decided to get a smartphone.
                         b Cool. Which one __you___?
                   2.   a   L think we’re lost.
                          b  No  problem.   I___the satnav.     
                   3. a Oh, no. My camcorder is broken! I’m going on holiday tomorrow!
                        b Don’t worry. I ___you mine.
                    4. a Have you decided where to go for your next holiday?
                        b Yes, we ___ a week in Italy. 
                  5.A What do you want to go when you grow up?
                    B  I________    an    astronaut.
                    6 A I can’t hear the TV.
                       B OK. I _______ it ________
               3. Complete the dialogue. Use will or going to and the verbs in brackets.
 Jack: I _______(see) the new Zac Efron film this evening. Would you like to come?
 Vicky: I’d love to, but I haven’t got any money.
 Jack:    Don’t    worry. I_______(lend) you same.
 Vicky:  Really? Great! _____(Jason/come)too?
Jack: No, he________(play) basketball at the sports centre.
Vicky: OK, I_______(phone) my mum now and tell her. How_____(you/get) home after the film?
Jack: My dad _______(pick) me up. I’m sure he  ______(give) you a lift home too.
Vicky: Cool!
1.  Choose the correct word and fill in empty space “I will always love you” by Whitney Houston.
      I should / would stay.
I would only be in your way.
So I’ll go/ball but I know.
I’ll think of you.
Every step / wet of the way.
2.  Cross the words which are not in the lyrics.
Bittersweets   my  memories.
That is all taking with me
so goodbye please don’t say cry.
We both   should know I’m not what you.
3.  Find missing words
I hope life.                                       a. treats you and.
And I hope.                                      b. you have all you  dreamed.
And I’m wishing you.                      c. joy and happiness.
But above all this.                             d. I’m wishing you have.
4.  Підведення підсумків уроку та оцінювання учнів.
5.  Домашнє читання:
T: Your homework is learn by heart vocabulary and find out a new information about possibilities of the customers. Thank you for the lesson. Bye


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