Відвідування музею


Група № 3                                Дата      16.02.22                                     Урок №40

                               Тема: Відвідування музею


Урок зорієнтовано на створення робочої атмосфери .

-         Мотивація: to revise and enrich pupils’ vocabulary on the topic “visiting the museum”;

-         to develop listening for gist and details;

-         to develop listening skills of pupils through methods of interactive activities;

-         to develop pupils’ creative and cultural thinking skills;

-         to practice listening, speaking and reading on the topic;

-         to develop culture of communication;

-         to cultivate love for the visiting the museum.


1.     Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку

Тема уроку: Відвідування музею

Мета уроку:

Освітня: вдосконалювати знання з лексичного та граматичного матеріалу;

               навчити монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

Розвиваюча: розвивати навички парної та індивідуальної роботи;

розвивати навички читання та письма;

розвивати фонетичний слух.

Виховна: виховувати почуття колективізму та толерантності;

                виховувати позитивне ставлення учнів до вивчення англійської мови.

Завдання уроку: поглибити знання учнів з теми «Відвідування музею»

2.     Визначення очікуваних результатів

Результат уроку: перевірка в учнів відповідного рівня теоретичній  підготовки з теми «Відвідування музею»

3.     Мотивація навчальної діяльності

Мотивація : Як ви могли  відмітити, серед іноземних мов англійська стоїть на першому  місці і вже давно вийшла на міжнародний рівень. Сьогодні всюди використовується англійська мова – навчання, бізнес, подорожі, наука, Інтернет, фільми і т.д.

Тип уроку : комбінований


1.     Організаційний момент уроку

        T: Good morning, children? Are you fine today? I’m glad to see you. Before we begin our lesson, I would like check your homework and say about what we will speak today?

2.     Перевірка домашнього завдання.

Check your Homework. Your home task was to answer questions about London and its sights”.


. Big Ben is …

a) a radio tone;

b) a famous clock;

c) a famous church.

2. Buckingham Palace is…

a) a home of Royal Family;

b) a place of interest;

c) a fine cathedral.

3. Westminster Abbey is a large…

a) cathedral;

b) palace;

c) church.

4. The Tower of London was…

a) a prison, a church and a cathedral;

b) a fortress, a prison, a palace;

c) a tower, a prison and a palace.

5. Ravens must live in…

a) Westminster Abbey;

b) The Tower of London;

c) Tower Bridge.

6. London stands on the river …

a) Dnipro;

b) Severn;

c) Thames.

7. The Great fire of London was in…

a) 1666;

b) 1777;

c) 1888.

8. The name of architect who built St. Paul’s Cathedral is …

a) Sir Charles Barry;

b) Sir Christopher Wren;

c) Sir Christopher Harry

9. It is a beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock:

a) London Bridge;

b) St. Paul’s Cathedral

c) the Houses of Parliament        

10. It is the residence of the Queen of England:

a) Buckingham Palace;

b) Houses of Parliament;

c) Westminster Abbey

11. Which of these places is NOT in London?

a) The Tower;

b) Nelson’s Column;

c) Times Square

12. The oldest building in London is…

a) The Houses of Parliament;

b) The Tower of London;

c) The British Museum

3.     Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T.: Dear friends, today we'll continue to gain knowledge on the topic The World of Painting". Remember a very popular proverb "There are paint­ers who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are-others who with the help of their art and their intelligence transform a yellow spot into the sun". But I think that these words are not only about painters but about each of us.

The new words and their definitions (HO1)

1. to exhibit to show something in a public place for people to enjoy or to give them information;

2. an exponent a person who is able to perform a particular activity with skill;

3. an exposition an event at which people, businesses, etc. show and sell their goods;

4. an item a single object or thing;

5. to contain if something contains something else, it has that thing inside it or as part of it;

6. to display to put something in a place where people can see it easily; to show something to people;

7. to hold to have a meeting, competition, conversation, etc.

8. to include to make somebody / something part of something;

9. to offer to say that you are willing to give something to


The quotes you have on your desks will describe the subtopic of our today`s lesson.

So, read them, translate them for our guests and stick them to the board.

A museum is a place where one should lose one`s head

A visit to a museum is a search for beauty, truth and meaning in our lives.

 Go to museums as often as you can.

To preserve the past is to save the future

Real museums are places where Time is transformed into Space

Museums are good things, places to look and absorb and learn

                                So, what is the topic of the lesson?  (Museums)

You are right. And not simply Museums, but Virtual visit to the museums.

But first of all we must give the definition of the word “museum”

A museum is an institution that cares for a collection of artifacts and other objects of artisticculturalhistorical, or scientific importance. Many public museums make these items available for public viewing through exhibitions that may be permanent or temporary.

The largest museums are located in major cities throughout the world, while thousands of local museums exist in smaller cities, towns and rural areas. Museums have varying aims, ranging from serving researchers and specialists to serving the general public. The goal of serving researchers is increasingly shifting to serving the general public.

There are many types of museums, including art museums, natural history museums, science museums, war museums, and children's museums. What other types of museums are familiar to you?


Agricultural museums

Architecture museums

Archaeology museums

Art museums

Biographical museums

Automobile museums

Children's museums

Design museums

Encyclopedic museums

Ethnology or ethnographic museums

Historic house museums

History museums

Living history museums

Maritime museums

Medical museums

Memorial museums

Military and war museums

Mobile museums

Natural history museums

Open-air museums

Pop-up museums

Science museums

Specialized museums

Virtual museums

Zoological parks and botanic gardens

According to the International Council of Museums, there are more than 55,000 museums in 202 countries.

This section lists the 20 most visited museums in 2018 as compiled by  the Themed Entertainment Association's annual report on the world's most visited attractions. 


І. Speaking





Annual Visitors



France Paris




National Museum of China

China Beijing




The Metropolitan Museum of Art

United States New York City




Vatican Museums

Vatican City Vatican City (Italy Rome)




National Air and Space Museum

United States Washington, D.C.




Tate Modern

United Kingdom London




British Museum

United Kingdom London




National Gallery

United Kingdom London




Natural History Museum, London

United Kingdom London




American Museum of Natural History

United States New York City




National Museum of Natural History

United States Washington, D.C.




National Gallery of Art

United States Washington, D.C.




China Science and Technology Museum

China Beijing




State Hermitage Museum

Russia Saint Petersburg





Zhejiang Museum

China Hangzhou





National Museum of American History

United States Washington, D.C.





Victoria and Albert Museum

United Kingdom London





Reina Sofía

Spain Madrid





National Palace Museum

Taiwan Taipei





Nanjing Museum

China Nanjing






1. How many museums had more than 6 mil. visitors last year? (5)

2. Which country counts the largest number of famous museums in the world? (The USA – 6)

3. How many of these museums are there in Asia? (5)

4. What was the most visited museum in the world in 2018? (Louvre)

5. Where is it situated? (Paris, France)

6. How many people visited it in 2018? (10,200,000)

7. Have you ever visited it?

8. Exposition of which museum would you like to see?

9. Why do people go to museums or galleries?

let`s make a virtual excursion to the museums you have read about and try to guess what information about these museums was not mentioned in  the video.

                 Now look at the pictures on the screen. Try to guess what museum it is and add some information from your texts.

METROPOLITAN MUSEUM OF ART, New York City — the Met’s goal is to collect, preserve, study, exhibit, and stimulate appreciation for and advance knowledge of works of art that collectively represent the broadest spectrum of human achievement at the highest level of quality, all in the service of the public.

BRITISH MUSEUM, London — housed in one of Britain’s architec­tural landmarks, the collection is one of the finest in existence, spanning two million years of human history. You will find art and antiquities from ancient and living cultures. Admission is free.

THE TATE MUSEUM, London — is Britain’s national museum of in­ternational modern art and consist of the Tate Britain, Tate Liverpool, Tate St Ives, and Tate Online, part of the group now known simply as Tate.

THE VATICAN MUSEUMS, Rome — is comprised of the papal apart­ments of the medieval Apostolic Palace decorated with frescoes during the Renaissance, the Sistine Chapel the exhibition rooms of the Vatican Apos­tolic Library and the actual museums.

MUSEU NACIONAL DEL PRADO, Madrid — modest but intelligently chosen collection of superb art work is shown.

THE HERMITAGE, St. Petersburg — Excellent quality images of the best 2000 holdings in the museum that contains more than three millions of the world’s masterpieces.

THE SMITHSONIAN, Washington, DC — the world’s largest museum complex and research organization composed of 16 museums and the Na­tional Zoo in the Washington, D.C., metropolitan area.

MoMA (MUSEUM OF MODERN ART), New York City — Moma’s pur­pose is to bring together the established and the experimental, the past and the present all people. It’s collection includes works of architecture and design, drawings, painting and sculpture, photography, prints and illus­trated books, film, and media.

THE UFIZZI, Florence, Italy — excellent quality pictures are shown for top Italian artists’ works like Botticelli, Veronse, an Giorgione. It is one of the oldest and most famous art museums of the Western world.

CENTRE GEORGES POMPIDOU, Paris. It houses the Museen National d’Art Moderne which is the largest museum for modern art in Europe.

THE LOUVRE, Paris — from the Mona Lisa to The Raft of Medusa, from Venus de Milo to the Victory of Samothrace, the site is definitely worth your visit.

THE GUGGENHEIM, Bilbao, Spain is a museum of modern and con­temporary art which houses some of the 20th century’s greatest works of art. Guggenheim in Bilbao has become as artistically renowned as the paint­ings that hang from its walls.

It’s a pity but Ukrainian museums are not in the list of most famous or most visited museums in the world though we have a real treasure house in Kyiv and true art-lovers know about it. Have you ever heard the name of Khanenko?  If no, look at the screen.


The Museum of Art named after Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko was founded in 1919 on the basis of their pri­vate museum. The museum is also called the Museum of Western and Oriental Art. Now it keeps one of the best collections of foreign art in Ukraine.

Since 1919 the number of exhibits has been more than 13 times increased. Visitors can view many remarkable samples of foreign art: Ancient Greek, Roman, Italian, French, Spanish, Flemish, Dutch, Japanese, Chinese, Turkish, Egyptian, etc

Famous founders of museum's collections were Boh­dan Khanenko and his wife Varvara. They always dreamt to open the public museum of art in Kyiv. Finally their dream came true.

The collection of the museum consists of 25 thousand  exhibits and is considered to be the biggest foreign art collection in Ukraine,

Among the museum's collection there are real fine art masterpieces. There is, for example, the world-famous work of Diego Velazquez, The Portrait of Infanta Margaret, located in the Spanish hall of the museum.

The famous portrait appeared in Kyiv after Bohdan Khanenko had purchased it in Berlin on the sale of Hamburg council Weber’s collections. The presentation of the painting in Kyiv was arranged very mysteriously.

Khanenko hadn't informed the guests of the banquet about the true reasons. When the curtain was taken away from Velasquez’ masterpiece, the audience was really im­pressed. The picture created a real excitement in cultural life of that time Kyiv.

The building of the museum was constructed under the project of a famous architect from Saint Petersburg F.Meltzer in the 80s of the 19th century. Then it was re­constructed and decorated several times according to the plans of the Khanenkos family.

This building is considered to be the shell and the architectural addition to the great art collections of the Khanenkos family.

So, Kyiv Museum of Western and Oriental Art is fa­mous not only in Ukraine but also abroad.

While going to the museum we want to know as much information as possible. Our guides must be intelligent and knowledgeable and ready to answer any question. Your next task is to match the questions with possible answers to be ready for becoming a guide.


ІІ. Sort out.

Знайти відповідність

Exercise 1. https://forms.gle/G6bCtYgAy7eBojBC9

Excuse me. What time does the museum open today?

Do you have a tour?

When does the tour start?

How much is the admission?

What time does the next tour begin?

Is a Ukrainian guide available?

Are there any special exhibitions today?

Can I take pictures?

How much is the guide book?

Can  I join the tour?

How long does it last?

a) - About an hour.

b) –It starts in half an hour.

c) – It opens at 11:00

d) - £ 2.00

e) - Yes, there is a Botticelli`s exhibition on.

f) –Yes, we do.

g) – Certainly

h) –It begins at 11:00

i) - It’s free of charge.

j) - I am afraid not.

k) - No, taking pictures is not allowed.



Imagine that you are a guide and your task is to encourage us to visit the The Museum of Art named after Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko. Make an announcement according to the plan.

-   mention the place where this mu­seum is located;

- say what type of museum it is;

-  announce opening hours;

-   mention the number of exhibits in it

- mention the site for more information


I think you`ve got to know a lot of interesting things  today, haven`t you?

What did you learn about?

- types of museums

-  world-famous museums,

- the Museum of Western and Oriental Art in the capital,

- the family of the Khanenko.

- new proverbs about art

T: I liked your work during the lesson. You were active, intelligent and hard-working.  Your home task for the next lesson is to learn the in­formation about the National Gallery in London using the Internet resources


I wish you to visit the museums we have spoken about. I wish you to enjoy the life and its beauty. Transform a yellow spot into the sun, a green spot into the grass and a blue colour to paint the sky blue! Good luck!



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