Конкурсна робота - 2021







Конкурсна робота 


Вінниця, 2021


1. Вступ

2. Урок 1

3. Урок 2

4. Виховний захід


Гейміфікація (або ігрофікація) – це використання ігрових підходів для неігрових процесів. Ми бачимо інструменти гейміфікації в улюбленій кав'ярні, коли збираємо печатки, щоб отримати шосту каву в подарунок. Ігрові методики мотивують нас заповнити свій профіль у Facebook або LinkedIn на 100%.

Гейміфікація допомагає достукатися до сучасних дітей, які звикли грати в комп'ютерні ігри і спілкуватися в соціальних мережах. Вона давно і вдало використовується в маркетингу і керуванні персоналом, та найбільш цінною є в освіті.

Ігрові методики завжди використалися в шкільній освіті. Контрольні і екзамени, перехід з класу в клас, фінальне тестування – в цьому є елементи гри,втім не завжди дієві.

 Проблема в тому, що класичні освітні методики часто ігнорують простий, але безмежно значущій факт – навчання має приносити радість, воно може і має бути цікавим. Так влаштований мозг людини: коли замість боротьби з нудьгою є драйв і позитивні емоції, інформація засвоюється краще.

Адепти ігрових методик відзначають, що учні глибше залучаються в процес і краще запам'ятовують матеріал. Критики вважають, що ігри можуть завдати шкоди внутрішній мотивації – мовляв не буде бонусів, не буде і мотивації.

Під час розробки курсу «Англійська на уроках іноземних мов» спиралася на класичні ігрові елементи, які можна з легкістю відтворити в теста.

               У комп'ютерних іграх, навпаки, помилки вітаються і є основним інструментом досягнення успіху. Візьмемо гру Angry Birds, в яку хоча б раз грали всі. Вона яскраво демонструє, як з кожною невдачею гравець випробовує нові варіанти успішного досягнення мети – вбити свиней. Граючи, ми знаємо, що немає нічого страшного в невдачі – чим швидше ми зробимо щось не так, тим швидше ми зможемо знайти вірне рішення.

2. Гра – це один із способів мотивації, все ж не універсальний засіб, не панацея. Гейміфікація без якісного освітнього контенту працювати не буде.

Урок 1

Тема: Кіно. Телебачення


Урок зорієнтовано на створення робочої атмосфери .

Мотивація: вчити англійську мову для того,  щоб вільно володіти ЛО за кордоном та усно спілкуватися на тему кіно, телебачення та мас медіа.



1. Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку

Тема уроку: Кіно. Телебачення

Мета уроку:

Освітня: вдосконалювати знання з лексичного та граматичного матеріалу;

               навчити монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

Розвиваюча: розвивати навички парної та індивідуальної роботи;

розвивати навички читання та письма;

розвивати фонетичний слух.

Виховна: виховувати почуття колективізму та толерантності;

                виховувати позитивне ставлення учнів до вивчення англійської мови.

Завдання уроку: поглибити знання учнів з теми «Кіно. Телебачення» 

2. Визначення очікуваних результатів

Результат уроку: перевірка в учнів відповідного рівня теоретичній  підготовки з теми «Кіно. Телебачення»

3. Мотивація навчальної діяльності

Мотивація : Як ви могли  відмітити, серед іноземних мов англійська стоїть на першому  місці і вже давно вийшла на міжнародний рівень. Сьогодні всюди використовується англійська мова – навчання, бізнес, подорожі, наука, Інтернет, фільми і т.д.

Тип уроку : комбінований


1. Організаційний момент уроку

        T: Good morning, children? Are you fine today? I’m glad to see you. Before we begin our lesson, I would like check your homework and say about what we will speak today? Please, open your telephone, a tablet and download e test

2. Check your Homework.

Перевірка домашнього завдання. 


People and Society

1.  …..is the group of people who rule or control the country.

a) political party;  b) government;  c) team;  d) the Prime-Minister.

2. …..must be held every four or five years.

a) sports competitions;  b) elections;  c) exit polls;  d) referendums.

3. Who did you …..for in the last elections?

a) vote;  b) wait;  c) look;  d) expect.

4. On … the Ukrainian Parliament proclaimed Ukraine’s independence.

a) June, 28, 1996;  b) August, 23, 1991;

c) August, 24, 1991;  d) August, 25, 1991.

5. State power in Ukraine is based on the division of authority into legislative, …..and judicial. 

a) executiwe;  b) exekutive;  c) ekzecutive;  d) executive.

6. The national holiday, ….., is celebrated on August,24 .

a) Constitution Day;  b) Independence Day;

c) Ukrainian Flag Day;  d) President’s Birthday.

7. …..is someone who works in politics, especially a member of a parliament..

a) politician;  b) president;  c) minister;  d) party member.

8. According to the Ukrainian Constitution the President, besides representing our state, has many duties and .... .

a) wishes;  b) money;  c) rights;  d) friends.

9. All citizens have the rights and freedoms which are guaranteed by the ….. of Ukraine..

a) laws;  b) President;  c) courts;  d) Constitution.

10. The head of our state is the  ….. . 

a) President;  b) best;  c) most important person;  d) people.

11. Ukraine is a member of many ….. organizations like the Council of Europe or the United Nations. 

      a) important;   b) forbidden;   c) international;  d) multinational.

12. I don’t belong to any political ….. .

a) view;  b) programme;  c) discussion;   d) party.


3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T.: Today I would like to speak with you about films and television what you should say or answer if you are abroad, you talk about your favourite film or speak about the plot and so on Be prepare put down the date. We’ll have a short test. Do this mini quiz and find out if TV controls your life. Put 4 numbers. Then put a letter, which best describes what you would do in these situations. 


1.The phone rings while you are watching your favorite programme on TV. You…

 a) ask the person to call back later.

 b) answer the phone and feel annoyed you are missing some of the   programme. 

c) forget about the TV programme immediately.

2. In the last episode of your favorite TV series one of the actors was sent to prison, but everyone knows the character is innocent. Do you…

a) start a national campaign to free the actor?

b) phone your friends to talk about it?

c) forget about it?

3. You have a lot of homework to do. Do you…                                                                                                                                                    

a) do it in front of the TV?

b) plan it around programmes you want to watch on TV?

c) do it and watch whatever is on TV when you have finished?

4. You see an actor who you like advertising chocolate on TV. You…

a) go and buy this chocolate immediately.

b) buy this chocolate the next time you are shopping. 

c) wonder how much money they are making for the advertisement.

And now, tell me, please, your results. …..


If you answered mainly a, TV controls your life!

If you answered mainly b, you enjoy TV but you still have life of your own.

If you answered mainly c, you really don’t care about TV.

And now I’ll present you new words, which you will use in today’s lesson.


Жанри фільмів. Films and TV programmes 

action film  - бойовик

 chat show – чат шоу 

documentary - документальний

fantasy film – фантастичний фільм

game show – теле вікторина

horror film – фільм жахів

musical - мюзикл 

news bulletin period  – період випуску новин

drama - драма

reality show – реаліті шоу

romantic comedy – романтична комедія

 science fiction film – художній фільм

 sitcom - сітком

 soap opera – мильна опера

talent show – талант шоу

thriller - трилер

war film - фільм про війну

weather forecast – прогноз погоди 

western – вестерн 

Завдання 1Exercise 1. 1.25 Match four of the words below with photos A-D. Then listen to the wordlist and check your answers.

А______________     В___________       С__________  D____________


Завдання 2.Exercise 2 1.26 Listen to six short excerpts. Match each excerpt with a type of film or TV programme 

1.                                             4.

2.                                             5.

3.                                             6.

Aspects of films

 acting characters – акторський персонаж

 ending - закінчення

 plot - сюжет

scenes -  сцени (епізод)

script - сценарій

 soundtrack – саундтрек, музичний супровід фільма

 special effects – спецефекти 


Завдання 3.Exercise 3: Complete the sentence dialogues with the words below.Скласти речення з діалогу зі словами вище.

1 The__________ was quite moving.

2 Animations don't usually make me laugh, but there were some really funny __________

3 I found the __________ really confusing.

4 The __________ were spectacular.

5 The  __________  was totally convincing.

6 I'm not a fan of romantic comedies, but I found the __________ really interesting.

7 The __________ was really cool.

8 The __________ was really unnatural in places.

І. Speaking


Look at photos A-D. Do you know any of these films or TV programmes? Can you name any of the actors or characters? 


1) Matching. Практикування учнів у вживанні ЛО за темою.

 Т.: What do you usually see on different TV programmes?


Match each type of programme on the left below with the correct item on the right.  

1) nature films a) football, tennis, boxing, etc.

2) quiz shows b) real life of different people

3) news           c) people trying to win prizes by answering questions

4) serials           d) advertisements for products

5) advertisement e) animals, birds, fish, plants, etc.

6) reality-show f) information about interesting places of our planet

7) comedies g) jokes and funny situations

8) sport h) information for pupils and students

9) music programmes     i) story of the daily life of a family

10) educational programmes     j) pop music, classic music, jazz, etc.                                                                                                    

2) Discussion. Обговорення телевізійних програм.

1) When do you watch TV?

     a) Do you have satellite or cable TV?

     b) How many hours a week do you watch TV?

     c) What are your favourite types of programme? 

2) Do you have a video recorder? Do you use it to record programmes? 

3) What would you do without television?

4) How many channels have you got in your country? 

T.: And now I would like to recognize with idioms. I read and you try to guess. After that you should complete your own sentence with these idioms

1.To be into something -  подобається

What movie are you into? – I am into romantic comedy

2. To binge watch – переглядати декілька разів

I binge watch “Friends”

3.TV show  – шоу, яке може тривати від 30 хв до 1 години, або кожен день, або цілий рік

4.episode – уривок з фільма, епізод

Did you see the last episode “The  Survive”? – I couldn’t believe it

5.Season -сезон 

How many seasons are there in “Friends”? – Ten seasons in “Friends”

6. a spoiler – опис важливого сюжетного розвитку у телевізійному шоу

Spoiler alert! Jon Snow is killed in this episode

7. to catch – привернути увагу, захопити

Did you catch last night’s The Daily Show? It was hilarious.

8. cliffhanger – закінчення епізоду, яке залишає глядача у напрузі

Will Jon Snow survive? What a cliffhanger! 

I hate cliffhangers, but I love them too.

9. season finale –фінал сезону

We’re having a little get-together tomorrow night to watch the season finale of Fargo.

10. cameo – епізодична роль

He did the cameo for the last movie.

ІІ. Sort out.

Знайти відповідність https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/61c1ac663d3193001d82e737 

Exercise 1. Match sentences (1-10) with the pictures.

Вправа 1.З’єднати речення (1-10) з малюнками. 

1. Love story, staged in the romantic background

2. Film showing some aspects of real human, social activity.

3. Cinema film, made by photographing series of drawings

4. Film that is intended to make you laugh

5. Film with a detective intrigue

6. Adventure film of a hard hit type, usually the stress lies in fights and murders.

7. A film about the life of the cowboys on the wild West.

8. The film which is based on the fantastic events and magic heroes.

9. Film that has a lot of exciting events in it, for example, people fighting or changing each other.

10.   Film about life in the future, often with people or creature who live in other part of the Universe

Exercise 2. Now I propose you to do an exercise with these words. 

Complete the text with the words from the box:

Завдання 2. Зараз я пропоную Вам зробити вправу з цими словами. Скласти текст з словами з коробочки.


Comedies, historical films, horror films, musicals, science fiction films, westerns

Family and I love going to cinema but we do not like the same kinds of films. Mum likes ____________because she loves stories about the future. Dad is a fan of _________. He enjoys scary stories about vampires/ my little sister likes _________ ! She says she likes stories about cowboys, but SI think she watches these films because there are usually horses in them. She loves horses. I like __________ because I like laughing, and I love _________ because the songs in them often great. I also enjoy ___________ about kings and queens.

ІІІ. Pre – listening activity

 So as you see cinema is a great invention and now we have different kinds of cinemas, I propose you listen to the dialogue, while listening you should fill in the gaps. 

Jack: Hi, Ismael. How are you?

Ismael: Hi, Jack. I'm OK but I’ve got loads of homework.

Jack: Me too, but would you like to come with us to the cinema tonight?

Ismael: Who's 'us'?

Jack: Me, Jamie, Nicola and Selina.

Ismael: OK, and what's the film?

Jack: We don't know. We can't decide. There's that new horror film, 'Light and Dark'.

Ismael: No, no, no! I don't like horror films.

Jack: OK, well, there's a comedy about a school.

Ismael: Oh, no more school, please! What about a romcom?

Jack: Romcom?

Ismael: You know, romantic comedy, boy meets girl ...

Jack: What? Really? No, I hate romantic films. I like action.

Ismael: Well, there's a new science fiction film, 'Alien attacks'.

Jack: OK, I like science fiction. Let's see that.

Ismael: OK, I'll ask the others if they like sci-fi.

Jack: What time is the film?

Ismael: At 8 o'clock. Let’s meet at 7:30 outside the cinema.

Jack: OK. See you later.

Ismael: Bye.

Jack: Hi, Ismael. How are you? 

Ismael: Hi, Jack. I'm OK, but I’ve got loads of 



Jack: We don’t know. We can’t decide. There’s that new 


 film, 'Light and Dark'.


Jack: OK, well, there’s a 


 about a school.


Ismael: Oh, no more school, please! What about a 




Jack: What? Really? No, I hate romantic films. I like 



Ismael: Well, there’s a new science fiction film, 'Alien attacks'.

Jack: OK, I like 


 . Let's see that.


Ismael: At 8 o'clock. Let's meet at 7:30 


 the cinema.


Jack: OK. 





Ismael: Bye Jack

ІV. Listening. Watch the video about  Charlie Chaplin and make the text about it.

1) Скласти розповідь про Ч.Чапліна, використавши наступне:

He was born in __________.

Charlie made his professional debut as __________.

Chaplin began his professional career in show business as ___________.

In 1910 he __________.

In 1913 the young Chaplin _________________.

In 1914, in his film “Kid Auto Races at Venice”, he originated the gentleman tramp routine - _____________.

His own studio was situated in _____________.

In 1953, Chaplin __________.

Charlie Chaplin lived in Switzerland for  over____________.

He died ______________.

Chaplin was not a talented actor but __________.

2) Вивчити її, розповідати.

V. Homework 

Домашнє завдання:

Your homework is learn by heart about Charlie Chaplin.

Урок 2

Тема: На пошті.


Урок зорієнтовано на створення робочої атмосфери .

Мотивація: вчити англійську мову для того,  щоб вільно володіти ЛО за кордоном та усно спілкуватися на тему пошта, листування в офіційній та неформальній формі.



1. Повідомлення теми, мети, завдань уроку

Тема уроку: На пошті  

Мета уроку:

Освітня: вдосконалювати знання з лексичного та граматичного матеріалу;

               навчити монологічного та діалогічного мовлення;

Розвиваюча: розвивати навички парної та індивідуальної роботи;

розвивати навички читання та письма;

розвивати фонетичний слух.

Виховна: виховувати почуття колективізму та толерантності;

                виховувати позитивне ставлення учнів до вивчення англійської мови.

Завдання уроку: поглибити знання учнів з теми «На пошті» 

2. Визначення очікуваних результатів

Результат уроку: перевірка в учнів відповідного рівня теоретичній  підготовки з теми «На пошті»

3. Мотивація навчальної діяльності

Мотивація : Як ви могли  відмітити, серед іноземних мов англійська стоїть на першому  місці і вже давно вийшла на міжнародний рівень. Сьогодні всюди використовується англійська мова – навчання, бізнес, подорожі, наука, Інтернет, фільми і т.д.

Тип уроку : комбінований


1. Організаційний момент уроку

        T: Good morning, children? Are you fine today? I’m glad to see you. Before we begin our lesson, I would like check your homework and say about what we will speak today?

2. Перевірка домашнього завдання.


Check your Homework. Your home task was to learn by heart the rules of the behavior in the table manners”. 

The ABC of table Manners

1. Do not attract unnecessary attention to yourself in public.

2. When eating take as much as you want, but eat as much as you take.

3. Do not eat too fast or too slowly, cut as you eat.

4. Take a little of every dish that is offered to you.

5. Sit up straight and false the table, do not put your elbows on the table white eating.

6. Do not reach across the table – simply say: “Would you please pass the pepper”, etc.

7. At a small party do not start eating until all are served. At a large party it is not necessary to wait for all. The hostess gives a signal to her guests by saying: “Start eating, please (your food will get cold)”.

8. There is no rule about eating everything on your plate. To indicate that you have had enough, place knife and fork together, not crisscross. 

9. When refusing a dish or a helping simply say: “No, thank you”, when accepting – “Yes, please”.

10. Do not leave the spoon in your cup, when drinking tea or coffee.

 Do not empty your glass too quickly – it will be promptly refilled

3. Введення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T.: I would like you remember from previous years the words and word combinations, which we have learned before. And say which theme will be spoken today. You are shown the cards. Look carefully at the cards and guess what theme is today’s lesson. 

Перегляд малюнків. Додаток № 1  

What can you do at the post – office?

Що ми можемо зробити на пошті?

And now I’ll present you new words, which you will use in today’s lesson.


Scales – a devise that is used for weighing people or things..

First – class postage - In the UK, first- class postage is the quicker and more expensive type of postage. In the USA, first – class postage is the type of postage that is used for sending letters and postcards. In  the UK, when buying stamps, you will be asked if you want first class or second class stamps..

Correspondence – the activity of writing letters or emails to someone. Someone’s correspondence can also be the letters or emails that they receive or send.

Express (adjective) – delivered faster than usual for a higher price.

Freight – goods that are transported by lorries, trains, ships or aeroplanes.

Junk mail – advertisements and other publicity that you receive through the post or by email which you have not asked for and which you do not want.

Overseas – in or to a foreign country that is usually across a sea or ocean.

Postmark – a mark placed over the stamp on a piece of mail that shows when the mail was sent and where it was sent from and that makes it impossible to use the stamp again.

Postmaster – a man who is in charge of a post office.

Returned – send back to the sender or the post office.

To seal – to close (an envelope, bag, etc.) by sticking or pressing two of its parts together.

Zip code (American English) – a short sequence of letters and numbers at the end of your address which helps the post office to sort out the mail. In the UK people use the word postcode instead.

І. Speaking


Say, please. What kinds of post-offices do you know? (At the post – office, on  he  telephone, at the computer )Робота в групах.

At the post - office A parcel, a letter, a post card, money, a telegram 

ot the  telephone A message , a text, a fax, a photo, video, a mail

At the computer A mail, A message , a text, a fax, a photo, video, a mail

T.: Уou should know and use them in your life. Вам слід знати і використовувати права відправника у сьогоденні. 

The sender’s rights

1. Lost or damaged package?

When your parcel was sent by a company or an online store, the first step is to contact them. After all, they are responsible for the delivery, and you are entitled to a compensation.

2. In the other cases, you should get in touch with the courier company’s or the post office’s customer service. You have the right to request an investigation. If that  does not go as smoothly as you had hoped, the postal industry ombudsman is on your side: this service can urge the courier company to locate your package or find out what went wrong.

3. Damaged packages are an equally unpleasant discovery. As soon as you notice your parcel did not arrive in one piece, you should report the damage to the courier himself. Did you accept the parcel? Make sure to take pictures of the damaged packing and contents, and get in touch with the shipper for a compensation or a new shipment. 

4. Your  rights under the Montreal and Warsaw Conventions

 Have you ever heard of the Warsaw Convention? Dating back to 1929 , it has been guarding the rights of those who send and receive air mail for almost ninety years. Simply put, every customer is covered for up to 25$ per kilo in the transport and for up to 12$ per kilo in the case of road transport. Since the Montreal convention came into effect in 2003, the rules have changed somewhat, limiting the compensation to 1.100 euros per day.

5. Shipping insurance 

The procedures mentioned above protect you from certain financial losses, but they do not suffice when you are sending valuable items or documents. If you want to play it extra safe, shipping insurance is the way to go. 

ІІ. Sort out.

Знайти відповідність 

Exercise 1.Match the words with the pictures.


Вправа 1.З’єднати слова з малюнками. (Додаток 2).

A stamp, a letterbox, a letter, a postman, a postcard, a post office, an envelope, an address. 

Exercise 2. How to write and send letters. Use the words: write, address, paper, post office, envelope, stamp, post, letterbox.

Вправа 2.Використати слова і вставити до відповідного речення.


1. Take clean paper and a pen.

2. Sit down and write a letter.

3. Put the letter into an envelope.

4. Put a stamp on the envelope.

5. Write an address on the envelope.

6. Take your letter and go to the post-office.

7. Find a letterbox and  post the letter.

ІІІ. Pre – watching activity

Перегляд відео. 

Before you will listen the dialogues, find down new words

Ознайомтеся з новою лексикою перед переглядом відео.  

Unforeseen expenses again – непередбачені витрати знову

Throw a pocker – кинути покер

A small packet – бандероль

A parcel post – надсилати посилку 

I have no words – в мене немає слів 

а Dunce - дурень

-Well, well..


- I have no words 

-The 20-th century is coming to an end already


-But we have only one pair of valenki for the two of us 

-Why is it so? You have no money? 

- We have enough money. Someone doesn’t have a mind. I told him: « You have to buy valenki for yourself!»

-And what? 

-He bought sneakers. «They are beautiful! » - he said.

-Of course, it was the wrong thing to do. In winter even our young students don’t walk in sneakers.

-He is a real dunce 

-Tell him about it! Explain it to him!

-I can’t. We don’t talk with him for 2 days already.

-Not 2, but 3

-It doesn’t matter. You can send a letter or a telegram. The post is made for that. If  you can’t say smth. You can write about it through a letter. What form? A simple or a congratulatory?

- Тhe simplest form?

- Hhh…. I don’t need anything from you.

- I have no simple forms. I have a congratulatory only.

- Unforeseen expenses again! Let it be, give me a congratulatory one.

     - Sharik, you are a real dunce!

That’s not right! If the form is a congratulatory, the addressee must be congratulated first.

- Well, well…

- Sharik, I congratulated you, you are a real dunce!

- Well, what to write about next?

- As a rule, about the weather

- So, the weather is good here.

- Wow, really? The snowstorm has been howling for 2 days already!

- Mr.Dog, keep quite , please. When YOU will be writing the answer, YOU will write about your weather

- I will not answer his letter! I will throw a pocker at him, in revenge

- For this purpose, there is mail. I will pack it and hand it to the Cat. It is a small packet (бандероль) 

- What? In this case, I will throw the iron at him.

- Just a moment! It’s more than 1 kilo! It can be a parcel post! I will bring it for the dog.


Знайти відповідність


- The 20-th century is - congratulated first

- You can send - you are a real dunce

- the addressee must be - howling for 2 days already!

- I congratulated you - a letter or a telegram

- The snowstorm has been - a parcel post

- It can be - coming to an end already

- Let it be - give me a congratulatory one.

ІV. Grammar



Read the text below. For questions (1-10) choose the correct answer (A,B,C,D). Прочитати текст. До запитання (1-10)  вибрати правильну відповідь (A, B, C, D).

Are Bats Really Blind?

The expression “blind (1)_____a bit” is completely inaccurate because bats aren’t blind. They (2)_____see reasonably well with their eyes (in laboratory tests they have been shown (3)_____shapes and colors), and when it (4)____dark they navigate using a sophisticate sonar (5)____called echolocation.

1 A how B as C As if D Such as

2 A can B may C might D could

3 A distinguished B distinguishing C distinguish D To distinguish

4 A get B will get C gets D getting

5 A system B systematic C systematically D systematize

A View from Space

The Great Wall of China isn’t visible from the moon with the naked eye. Space begins about sixty miles from Earth’s surface, which is (6)____close. The British astronomer Fred Hoyle (7)____to have remarked, “ Space isn’t remote at all . it’s only an hour’s drive away if your car (8) _____ go straight upwards.” From this short distance away, it is possible to pick out many man-made objects such as motorways, railways, cities, fields, and the Great Wall. However, you only have to travel (9)_____ few thousand miles away before all man – made objects (10) ____ from view.

6 A surprisingly B surprising C surprise D surprising

7 A reported B Is reported C reports D Had been reported

8 A need B must C should D could

9 A The others B The other C others D another

10 A fade B Will fade C fades D Would fade

Відповіді : 1. B; 2. A; 3.D;4.C;5.А;6.A;7.B;8.D;9.D;10.A

V. Listening 


Listen to the text. For statements (1-5) choose T if the statement is true according to the text, F if it is false. You will listen to the text twice.

Прослухати текст. Для речень  (1-5) вибрати Т, якщо речення вірне і F, якщо не правильне твердження. Ви прослухаєте текст двічі.

1. Andy overslept but was on time for class.

2. Andy’s dog Chappi chewed his new backpack.

3. Andy’s headphones were not working.

4. Andy’s lunch was trouble – free.

5. Andy failed his grammar test.

Відповіді: 1.T; 2. F;3.T;4.F;5.F

Підведення підсумків уроку та оцінювання учнів.

Домашнє завдання:

Your homework is learn by heart vocabulary and find out a new information about possibilities of the sender’s. Thank you for the lesson. Bye

Виховний захід

Виховний захід на тему: Англомовні країни у запитаннях та пазлах

English speaking countries in questions and puzzles

Мета: ознайомити учнів  з історією створення Великобританії, Канади, Австралії, Америки  та Нової Зеландії. Переглянути відео та дати відповіді на запитання про цікаві факти англомовних країн. 

Обладнання:презентація, фото країн та тести.   

Хід уроку

В презентації представленні п’ять країн на вибір. Учні вибирають будь-яку країну, продивляються відео і проходять тести пвсдя перегляду цих відео. 

Наприклад, Великобританія 

Тест до країни Великобританії:



1. Where is the United Kingdom situated?

On the British Isles

2. What is the area of the United Kingdom?

 Over 244,000 square kilometres

                      3.What is the highest mountain on

the British Isles?

Ben Nevis

4.What is the longest river?

The Severn

5.What is the longest river?

The Severn

6.What is the highest mountain in Wales?


7.What is the population of the United Kingdom?

Over 57 million people

8.How many people live in London?

More than 9 million.

9.What industry is developed in South Wales?


Тести до країни Австралія




1.What is the official name of Australia?

The Commonwealth of Australia

2 . What territories are there in the Commonwealth of Australia?

The Continent of Australia, the island of Tasmania and a number of          smaller islands.

3.What area has Australia?


4.In what hemisphere is Australia situated?

 The South hemisphere

5.What is the population of Australia?

About 15 million people

6.What are the biggest cities in Australia?

Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth, Brisbane

7.What is the main occupation in Australia?


8.What agricultural product is Australia famous for?


9.What are the longest rivers?

 The Murray and the Darling

10 What area has Australia?

About 8 million square kilometres

Тести до країни Канада



1.What is the capital of Canada?


2. What is the area of Canada?

Nearly 10 million square kilometers

3.Where is Canada situated?

In the northern part of the North American continent

4.What is Canada rich in?

Metal ores, oil and gas.

5.What is the population of Canada?

Over 24 million people

6.What are the most important cities?

Montreal, Toronto, Edmonton, Hamilton, Winnipeg, Quebec

7.What are Canada’s largest ports?

Vancouver, Montreal, Halifax

8.What are the largest lakes in Canada?

The Great Lakes Superior, Huron, Erie and Ontario, Great Bear Lake, Great Slave Lake and Lake Winnipeg

9.What mountains are there in Canada?

The Rocky Mountains.

10.What are the longest rivers?

The Mackenzie, Yukon, St. Lawrence River

Тести до країни Нова Зеландія




1.Where is New Zealand situated?

South-east of Australia.

2.What islands does it consist of?

North Island, South Island and Stewart Island, and also many small islands

3.On which island are there many lakes?

North Island

4.What sea washes the western coast of New Zealand?

The Tasman sea

5.What is the highest mountainous range?

 The Southern Alps

6.What is the national emblem of New Zealand?


7.What is the capital?


8.What are the main cities?

Auckland, Christchurch, Dunedin.

9.What is the nickname of New Zealand?

The Britain of the Pacific

10.Which city resembles Edinburgh?


Тести до країни Америка


https:/ /forms. gle/Asv8AMSdzmVoS2nF6 

1.Where is the USA situated?

In the central part of the North American Continent.

2.What area has the USA?

Over nine million square kilometres

3.What mountains are there in the country?

The Cordillera, the Rocky Mountains, the Appalachian

4.What is situated between the Cordilleras and the Appalachian mountains?

The prairie and the Mississippi valley

5.What are the main rivers?

The Mississippi, the Colorado, the Columbia

6.What kind of climate is there in the USA?

Several different climatic regions

7.What is the population of the USA?

More than 236 million people

8.How many states are there in the USA?

Fifty states

9. What kind of state is the USA?

A federal republic

10. Who is the head of the state?

The president



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