ІІІ курс

Термін виконання з 21-25 квітня 

1. Match the words with the definitions:
a) a tornado;
b) an earthquake;
c) a hailstorm;
d) a blizzard;
e) a thunderstorm;
f) a flood;
g) a volcano;
h) a hazard;

1. a mountain with a large opening on the top, and sometimes others on the side, through which melted rocks and gases escape with great force, or have done so in the past ;
2. a thing that can be dangerous or cause damage; a danger or risk;
3. a violent storm with very strong circular winds over a small area;
4. a sudden violent movement of the earth’s surface;
5. a period of heavy hail-frozen rain falling as little balls of ice in a shower;
6. a severe snowstorm with strong winds;
7. a storm with thunder and lightning and shocked;
8. a large quantity of water covering an area that is usually dry;

2. Translate into English:
4. підніматися, високо літати----
5. глобальне потепління----
6. зруйнований----
7. причина(2х)------
8. зсув, обвал----
9. залишатися на сторожі-------
10. утікати----
11. бити з усієї сили, урізати, руйнувати, знищувати-----
12. хитатися-----

  1. Fill in the blanks with  cause/causes or reason/reasons:
a.       Smoking is one of the main_______ of heart disease.
b.      We have good _________ to believe that he is lying.
c.       The only _____ she didn’t win was that she had injured her knee.
d.      They still haven’t found out the ________ of the fire.
e.       You have no _____ for complaint.
4. Match the words with the definitions:
1)      a typhoon;
2)      a whirlwind;
3)      a disaster;
4)      a drought;
5)      an avalanche;
6)      a hurricane;
7)      a deforestation;
8)      a whirlpool;
a)      a mass of snow, ice and rock that slides rapidly down the side of a mountain;
b)      a very bad accident, eg. a crash or a fire, that causes great damage or loss of life; a catastrophe;
c)       a violent storm with very strong winds, esp. in the western Atlantic Ocean;
d)      a violent tropical storm in the western Pacific;
e)      a place in a river or the sea where there are strong currents moving in circles;
f)        a period of continuous dry weather , esp. when there is not enough water for people’s needs;
g)      removing trees or forests from a place;
h)      a column of air that turns round and round very rapidly;

5.Translate into English:
1.       частий---
2.       стійкий-----
3.       траплятися, відбуватися----
4.       завдавати збитків, пошкоджувати-----
5.       загроза----
6.       ризик, небезпека----
7.       випаровуватися----
8.       стежити, простежувати----
9.       вижити, залишитися живим----
10.   забруднення---
11.   скидати, звалювати----
12.   припливна хвиля----
6.Fill in the blanks with  cause/causes or reason/reasons:
    • What was the_________ of the fire ?
    • What are your _______ for leaving the job?
    • The _________ why I’m late is that I missed the bus.
    • Police are investigating the main _______ of the explosion.
    • The increase in violent crime has several__________ .


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